Our Story

My site is just about showing off my cute kids. We are a big family and we like to go places. Also, I like to take lots of pictures and this way I can show them off.

This is when it all started...2002

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Well in continuation of the America's Most Wanted story... Kirk was out shoveling the driveway a week later and my neighbor came over to ask him if by chance, there had been some police officers stop by to question Cyndi? He said "no" however there were 12 federal marshals who came by last Saturday at midnight (which was Dec. 6th) and told Cyndi she was featured on America's Most Wanted. Kirk said she turned white. Appeantly, her daughter had just had surgery and was high on pain killers when she saw the feature on America's Most Wanted. She thought the woman featured on the show was me. Her boyfriend and mother tried to stop her but it was too late, she called anyway and the story goes on from there. To read the full America's Most Wanted Post go to posts created in December 2007.

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